Cation Language Examples

Example programs

Fibonacci numbers

fx fib: n U64 -> U128
    0..=n |>
        $-1? + $-2? ?? 1

or, as a shortened one-liner:

fx fib: n U64 -> U128 := ..=n |> $-1? + $-2? ?? 1

Hello world

fx main := println "Hello world"

Use of specific statements

Data type definitions

data Byte: U8
data Bool: false#0 | true#1

data Year: I16

data ShortMonthDay: #1 | .. | #30
data FullMonthDay: #1 | .. | #31
data FebMonthDay: #1 | .. | #29

data MonthDay: jan(FullMonthDay)  | feb(FebMonthDay)   | mar(FullMonthDay)
             | apr(ShortMonthDay) | may(FullMonthDay)  | jun(ShortMonthDay)
             | jul(FullMonthDay)  | aug(FullMonthDay)  | sep(ShortMonthDay)
             | oct(FullMonthDay)  | nov(ShortMonthDay) | dec(FullMonthDay)

data Date: year Year, monthDay MonthDay

Using generics:

data Maybe: T any => none | some(T)
data Result: T any, E error => ok(T) | err(E)


infx `+`: a Coord2D, b Coord2D -> Coord2D
  val x := a.x + b.x
  val y := a.y + b.y
  x, y

Code branching

data WorldDirection: north | south | west | east

val sample: WorldDirection = random

sample >|
  north |? println("I am northman") 
  south |? println("I am at south!")
        |: println("I am nowhere :)")

Collections and ranges

data String256 = [Char ^ ..=0xFF]

data Bytes32 = [Byte ^ 32]
data ByteList256 = [Byte ^ ..=0xFF]
data ByteList64kb = [Byte ^ ..=0xFFFF]
data ByteListNonEmpty256 = [Byte ^ 1..=0xFF]

data SpecialDates = {MonthDay ^ ..=365}
-- maps dates to a sets of up to 256 friend names who has the birthday that date
data Birthdays = { MonthDay -> ^ ..=365 {String256 ^ ..=0xFF} }


class iter: item any
    fx next: _ -> item?

infx findFirst: V eq, I iter(item eq) => iter I, value V -> U64?
    enumerate iter |> fst =? value |? $ := lst _

infx hasUnique: V eq, I iter(item eq) => iter I, value V -> Bool
    val index := iter findFirst value !! false
    (iter[index..] |> =? value |? $ := false) ?? true
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4] hasUnique 1 -- true

Collection comprehensions

val congratulations :=
    [ "Happy birthday, \(_)" <| birthdays.values.flatten ]

Monadic operators

  fx sumOrZero: x U32, y U32 -> U32
    x +? y ?? 0 -- here we return zero on overflow

  val x, y: U32, U32 := random, random
  val sum = x +? y !! overflow -- here we return Err(overflow) on overflow
  sumOrZero sum, x

Type classes

class ord
  infx `>?`: Self, Self -> Bool
  infx `<?`: a Self, b Self -> Bool
    ~ a >? b

class eq: ord
  infx `=?`: Self, Self -> Bool

  infx `=!`: a Self, b Self -> Bool
    ~ a =? b
  infx `>=?`: a Self, b Self -> Bool
    a =? b |? true |: a >? b
  infx `<=?`: a Self, b Self -> Bool
    a =? b |? true |: a <? b